Kevin handled my case in a professional manor and guided me through a rough divorce. If you are looking for an attorney who will do anything you want, even if it does not make legal sense or is illegal, look somewhere else. My ex-wife did. Kevin had to deal with my wife’s 2 cut throat lawyers. Kevin would sift through the other attorney's long, largely useless petitions and only respond to the points that had any bearing on the law. He would point out that most of the arguments of the opposing attorney were a waste of time, but I’m sure they gladly billed my ex plenty. The other attorney’s would, when asked by the judge, get up and grandstand for 20 minutes to a half hour. Kevin would, when his turn, make pointed, short comments and win 95% of the time, although some of this was due to the shady exploits of my ex and her attorney and their weak case. He always kept the judges suggestions in mind when approaching a trial, court appearance or writing his own petitions. He always wanted to make sure the kids were taken care of and not used as pawns. My ex’s attorney did nothing to curb her client’s manipulation of the children. Kevin was always wary of his time and I never felt he overbilled me. His rates are reasonable. There will be times in court when you want him to say more, however, with time I grew to trust his decisions. Sometimes he knew that throwing more information on a point that was already made would only exasperate the judge’s patience. No matter which attorney you go with, make sure you keep copies of paperwork for yourself (bring them with) and remind your attorney before going into the courtroom of important points. They are dealing with multiple cases so things can get muddled together. I already recommended Kevin to a former boss and I recently received a text from him saying that his divorce was finalized and he thanked me for recommending Kevin.