My goal was to list some of the skilled and dedicated Kindred employees who are helping me recover from my leg wounds. I find my task made difficult because of their numbers, my poor memory for names and those times when I was half asleep during our encounters. A dozen nurses and assistants live in my memory due to their tender care, while their names escape me. Every Kindred employee earned my respect and highest professional ratings. None earned lowered. One particular night nurse, Ms. Eileen has such a cheerful smile that troubles and pains readily disappear. A classic angel of mercy. Another nurse, a gentleman nicknamed Romeo- is the ideal nurse to help a man with wound dressings, toilet necessities, cleaning and grooming. He is cheerful, competent, concioutous, respectful and thoughtful to a patients needs and small courtesies that increase my comfort. This heart felt tribute has been too brief, and not inclusive enough. Pardon my memory and stamina in writing. Thank you and more power!
William Voelke
Houston, Texas