I got in touch with the Service Manager, Eric, and he was less than helpful. He basically told me that "stuff happens" and he needed to pay his guys, so there was nothing at all he could do for me. I then asked to get in contact with Eric's boss. He said he would have him call me. A day and a half later, I finally got in contact with Rick Bach and this is the part the needs to be shared. I have never in my life been spoken to the way this man spoke to me. We had a 17 minute phone conversation and it began by me politely explaining the sequence of events to him and at the end I said "so I am really hoping you can help make this right for me." Mind you, i was not asking for a full refund, all i was asking for was the reimbursement of the $165 for the 2nd trip, since my furnace is still not permanently fixed. I very quickly realized that Rick was not going to help me either. He then proceeded to yell at me for at least 15 minutes. In order to not make this post a million miles long, I will just share some of the highlights of what Rick said to me. And I promise you I am not over exaggerating.
-He told me that I was looking for a "free handout" and "free service" and he was not going to give it to me.
-He told me I was incompetent because I clearly did not understand what his guys did to my furnace.
-He told me that it was my fault that my furnace broke because I did not maintain it (we have lived in this house for 4 months) and that it was not his job to repair it or pay to maintain it.
-He said that if I could not afford to maintain my