Decent kindergarten karate center but look elsewhere if you can't tolerate the d-bag man-child owner who thinks he's a celeb. Okay, so maybe he's cool to a 4 - 5 yr old.
Other than that, this is clearly not the place to go to learn martial arts... (1) bc this place is just a kindergarten karate center and (2) well, you wouldn't be learning karate if you wanted to have any chance defending yourself. Have you ever seen a karate fighter attempt a career in the UFC? 99% of the time they stand in their silly "horse stance" and you feel really sorry for the guy when they instantly get pummeled. The other 1% of the time they run away from their opponent until they inevitably get caught and pummeled... and you feel even more embarrassed for them. This well documented fact makes it even more difficult to look at Mike Storms with a straight face when he's try to convince you he's a badass... lol