If I could give this place negative stars, I would. In fact this "hospital" does not even deserve that much. If anyone is reading this and thinking about sending their child or a loved one to a mental care facility in order for them to get their life back on track and to truly recover, then please don't send them here. If you do it's honestly abusive and highly counter productive.
Many of the patients here are almost beyond help. It's really like American Horror Story: Asylum. Your days consist of watching one television in the middle of an empty room and if you're lucky to find someone who you can actually hold a decent conversation with, they have some games.
It's really like a minimum security prison. During my stay there I witnessed a young girl have to be strapped down to a bed because she went off the rails and starting trashing the place and assaulting the staff which only consists of two people who are barely qualified and a doctor. I also witnessed a woman walk around the hospital naked.
No one cares about anything. It's really a horrid place to be. When choosing a mental health facility it is crucial that a lot of research be done in order to avoid this type of situation. Sending someone to a place like this indefinitely makes them far worse than whatever condition they were in prior to being admitted.