I recently had AirSolutions replace an A/C unit servicing my upstairs. It had a few issues with the Freon line that they came out and repaired. The unit was struggling to keep up during the heat of the day so I requested that a service man come verify that the Freon line had not need of further service. The technician was able to be there the same day I requested service, accommodating my work schedule so I didn’t have to take off. The tech they sent, Jeremy, arrived and was thorough, verifying that the Freon level was good. We did a check of the upstairs, verifying that the differential temperature the unit was able to produce should be sufficient to maintain the upstairs temperature, and he was very helpful with identifying other things that might contribute to the unit’s inability to maintain temperature. He was competent, methodical and accommodating. He did not talk- down to me as many professionals do when speaking to an outsider to their trade. I really appreciate his taking the time to investigate the system after verifying that his company’s obligations had been met and not taking the attitude of, we’re good but you have a problem.