Michael is down to earth and approachable. He was patient with the ignorance that we, as first time home buyers, brought to the table and explained everything we asked in as much detail as we required. He was never pushy.
There were a few times that my husband and I looked at houses that we thought were solid. Though Michael made it clear this was our decision and he'd support us in whatever choice we made, he also pointed out in more than one instance that the houses we thought were good were over priced. While many Realtors would probably jump at the chance to get a good deal and move on with other clients, Michael always did extensive comps and research and gave us an educated opinion. Because of his extensive knowledge and honesty, we completely trusted Michael when we did find "The One" and he gave it the thumbs up.
There are a LOT of Realtors in Seattle and from viewing lots and lots of houses, I got the chance to see quite a few in the field. Sometimes when multiple couples are viewing a house at once things can get a little competitive. I saw another Realtor be VERY rude to Michael. Though he could have snapped or been sassy back to this guy, Michael kept his cool and was diligently professional-- but, of course, firm. We still got to view the house we wanted :)
When it came down to the actual offer, Michael and his team had it down to a science. There are SO many factors at play. Michael had informed suggestions on what to do in each instance. Now, I'd assume that the actual document that the Realtor prepares doesn't matter much and the biggest factor is the offer price. While I'm positive that's mostly true, I do want to point out that the Listing agent specifically mentioned that Michael's offer was well written. Something Michael did made our offer stand out-- maybe he was more thorough or professional. Maybe he was just nicer and less sleazy.They worked as an amazing team. Our offer beat out another pre inspected CASH offer at the end of the day. We got our dream house!