First off another reviewer is correct when they spoke about the Dr. She seems all over the place . And I get that a children's doctor may be a bit silly for the kids but it borders on unprofessional bc it seems the appt is not being taken seriously .
My next complaint would be the hours . 9 am is a bit late to be starting the day I think . I may just be spoiled coming from a very nice pediatric office that opened at 7 am and also closed much later . But I bet a lot of oarents agree it would be much nicer to open earlier. Also when I'm calling and the answering service and not the office is answering the phone at 9:15am something is wrong !
My family also had a bout with strep and my baby was showing signs too. I asked that my baby be tested bc I didn't want join getting his immunization a that day if he might have strep. I was told babies that age don't get strep. We'll guess what he did get strep! 4 days later I brought him back and made them test him bc he was getting so sick and sure enough he had strep. This was not a dr this time but a nurse girl that said he couldn't catch it.
Also the front desk lady talks extremely loud . Even if you're the only person in there . It's literally like being screamed at but at least in a happy voice . If your child is sleeping in their car seat and you go in for an appt you can pretty much guarantee they will get woken up the second you go to check in.
And I almost forgot . My youngest son seemed to be getting awful lot of shots at the time and I questioned this bc our past pediatrician had shots with several medicines combined . When I asked about it they said oh only certain insurances cover the combined shots. We'll we have great insurance so I asked if they would check to see if our did .. And of course it did. So here my poor baby was getting extra shots that could of been combined all bc they didn't check if our insurance covered it first .
I'm sure the office does care about children and wants to help but there's just to many issues we've dealt with for me to continue to want to stay there. My husband is not pleased with it either .