As a parent, I would not recommend this school.
My special needs child attended for elementary school and they promised me a specialized program. In fact, they used it as a selling point. I did not get a special program, nor did other parents who were also promised the same.
Some of those parents, were even asked for more tuition money once the school year started to "accommodate" their child. They nickle and dime you for everything and, unfortunately, you don't see the return on the money you are constantly paying. You are even fined for not attending parental meetings - all of which add no value. Many parents pay the fine to avoid attending.
Many updates/upkeep to the school have been through donations of time and money by parental volunteers. It appears, with low class sizes this school struggles to pay staff and maintain the building leaving no additional funds for necessary supplies and the professionals services which many of these children obviously need.
The authoritarian way the school is ran ensures things are kept quiet. If you do speak up, prepare to have your child pay the price. It happens.
We pulled my child out and have been homeschooling quite successfully now. He has regained is passion for learning, trust in his teachers and making friends through a co-op program.