In my opinion she is an extremely poor excuse of a midwife. I have five beautiful children. She was not my midwife but was the one on call when I went in to have my son. She ignored all signs of problems. Refused to listen to me when I told her I felt something was wrong. My third child was delivered at home by an amazing midwife so I asked her if I could labor the same and she said I could...LIE. I was pushed around by her the whole time. When it came time to deliver she was yelling at me telling me I was not breathing correctly or pushing hard enough. She literally told me I was going to kill my child. After pushing for what seemed forever Doctor Wonderly came in and took me for an emergency c section. Thank God for him..he saved my sons life. The cord was wrapped around his neck and when I would push he would bungy back up. There was no way to safely deliver him without the doctors. Help. Again. Please look at other options I can not believe this woman still has a job.