This has to be HANDS DOWN the best pediatric dentist office ever. Everyone is very courteous and helpful , the facility it self is amazing. My daughter went in to have a laser frenectomy procedure done and the initial visit was very informative and they helped us both understand the entire procedure and what exactly to expect. This was a great relief because due to my daughter being tongue tied this caused problems with certain areas of her speech; which in return she became very frustrated and would decide not to repeat or practice her speech skills. On the day of her procedure we had Bryan who assisted us in getting prepared and he was absolutely amazing he explained everything from what was to take place during and what to expect after; he also was very watchful of my daughter after her procedure while i was checking out. Doctor Griffith did an amazing job on my daughter and she was perfectly fine and was not crying at all, Dr. Griffith and her team went out of their way to make my daughter as comfortable as possible and my daughter is 2 years old. In other words I LOVE THIS PLACE AND THE ENTIRE TEAM from the receptionist to the check out!