Our son attended Shelterwood from September 2013 through June 2014. Shelterwood is unique in their approach to helping families emerge from teenage struggles with a bright new outlook on life, relationships and the future. They offer the opportunity for your teen to participate in counseling while at the same time not disrupting their academic progress through offering a fully accredited, small class size learning environment. Shelterwood truly saved his life and our family.
A critical part of the experience at Shelterwood for our son was the leadership and support structure in place. All of these individuals are committed to helping young adults through the crisis they are experiencing. The CEO, Jim Subers is a man of amazing faith and commitment. He provides hands on leadership, imparting his love and support to all the students. He and his family actually live on-site; an unbelievable commitment to his mission. Rujon Morrison is the Program Director and is constantly focused on programs, activities and facilities improvements in addition to providing faith based leadership to the Shelterwood team. The staff members are too numerous to mention individually, but everyone from the Principal to the Maintenance Director are all personally involved in supporting the students.
Disappointed that we have to call this out, but we have not received any financial remuneration for these comments. We do however, support the idea of scholarships that may help more families take advantage of what Shelterwood has to offer. We would like to use this opportunity to make a tangible commitment - we will send $1,000 to Shelterwood to start a "Shelterwood Challenge" scholarship. We would like to challenge other families who have had a positive experience to write about it on these social media sites and, if financially able, to respond to the "Shelterwood Challenge" by making a financial commitment to help at least one additional teen to take advantage of Shelterwood this year.