We spent a number of years at this studio, several of which were part of the dance company. We eventually left for a number of reasons:
-the studio director consistently yells at parents and children in an unreasonable manner
-the studio director demeans the children and the parents at every opportunity
-fees and markups are not done across the board and the studio has no problem charging well over $100 for a "costume" that could be purchased on the internet for less than $25
-the studio attempts to portray a "family" atmosphere. While nepotism runs rampant, the favorites game is played and behind the scenes it's actually all about how much money they can squeeze out of you
-the quality of dance education is definitely sub par. I say this as having gone to a different studio now and seeing the improvement in my child's technique grow exponentially in a very short amount of time
-seems as though if they do employ a (non-relative) teacher with actual skills, education, and experience, they are eventually forced to leave
These thoughts are all based on my personal experience with this studio. I recommend if you're searching for a quality dance education in a healthy environment for your child and yourself, you search elsewhere.