So I am right now the parent paying for everything dealing with this woman, and the ex is the one who did the action. But besides her expensive fees, I have asked her on multiple occasions for some help and guidelines on how to handle situations, instead of giving out helpful ideas she just refers me to a book. I had this other play therapist before her that was amazing, and then the judge came back and wanted Diana because she works for the courts. First she doesn't not look very kid orientated, heels and a dress that if she sat on the floor would show everything. Her room is business like not that much inviting one bit. She all around is a horrible person. She placed lies on her paperwork about a situation that happened and said I was coaching my three year old. Mind you my daughter showed signs when I was over seas. During my interview part with her, she had the nerve to make me feel like the worse mom for deploying, when I had no choice and had tried getting out of it. She seem to be little way to much like she was better then the other play therapist I had my daughter going to. Her ego over takes everything and honestly i fear she won't help my daughter; so after pouring so much money into her my question, is my daughter going be helped or take backwards steps? Ridiculous that I had this amazing therapist that seem to actually get some where after two sessions and Diana is getting no where after 7. Diana take your ego and shove it, its not about the money, its actually about the children. Maybe learning how to interact might assist and actual successful cases.