I was there over the summer (2014) and I was absolutely horrified! This was my most recent hospitalization and it was so scary, I was most afraid for my safety on the unit because of the other patients. I had hot tea thrown on me, another man had hot coffee thrown on him, and I was continuously looked at by the man who threw the tea on me like I was a piece of meat because he didn't feel threatened by women. The unit was disgusting, people weren't well taken care of or taken seriously. When one of the male patients became violent and aggressive, the staff enclosed him in the room where the MAJORITY OF THE PATIENTS (INCLUDING MYSELF) WERE SITTING. I know one girl had an anxiety attack because of it. I was honestly fearing for my life. The doctors dismissed my concerns and looked at me like I nuts because I was/am high functioning and knew what was going on; they continuously tried to convince me that I didn't know my medications--despite having reviewed my medications with them myself as well as my mom telling them--and that I was bipolar. I asked my psychiatrist of 2+ years if he believed I was bipolar, he told me that the doctors were the ones who were insane for having even thought of that. I was also never given my normal medication doses because they "didn't have the right doses". When one patient became violent because she was hallucinating, the doctors gave her 3 different medications, at high doses, to sedate her. They then had her tied to her bed in a position that couldn't be comfortable, even for the most flexible person ever. When she was finally allowed out of the room, her shirt was covered in blood and she was delirious and out of it. My parents visited me at every opportunity, and they were appalled by the conditions of the hospital. There was absolutely no structure to the day, the majority of the time was spent staring at the TV, aimlessly walking in circles, staring at the wall, or being afraid of being hurt or attacked. This was literally a HELL ON EARTH. Please, don't send a loved one there!