Lately they have changed quite a bit. They got rid of our on site manager. They want everyone to start paying by giving them direct access to our account, and when I asked about it, they were very rude. They had a box where we could put our checks, now we have to send them to the office, which means I have to send my check at least two days earlier then I should. Now they don't want to accept personal checks after the second of the month, which is in violation of my lease, and most others, as it states that they will accept checks. Now they say if a personal check gets there after the second of the month, they won't accept it, so you have to cancel the check, and pay in some other way, although they won't accept cash either. Hope the mail is never late, and they don't overlook a check, or else they won't be getting paid. I had no idea that a company would refuse to take payment. I have heard people who have given them access to the account have had problems with funds being withdrawn too soon. So I am not sure what to do.