Dorothy Carfrae left a lot of stuff undone during my divorce basically she does the bare minimum for her clients. She finalized my divorce without a child support order and Jennifer in her office told me that my ex would have a better chance of collecting spousal sup from me than I would of getting child sup. Not sure why she would have told me that but from reading the reviews I see that others were told the same. This is completely untrue and I am not even a high earner. I took my ex husb and the father of my 3 children back to court and won a $750 a month child support order against my purposely unemployed ex and when he had the nerve to ask for spousal sup the judge told him absolutely not. Judge William Allen at the Norwalk court house is wonderful and he corrected everything in my divorce that Dorothy had messed up on. He made sure I got my child sup order as I stated and he also moved my marriage back to the date of separation that I had stated that it was instead of the later one that my ex had used and Dorothy had told me that there was no way I could go back that far and refused to even request it but the judge moved back the date for me. Also my ex had hid his 401K, quit his job as divorce was filed. Dorothy had even subpoenaed his 401K and knew what he had done but when we went to trial she refused to ask for me to be able to keep my 401K even after what he had done and offered up my 401K plus for me to pay half the QDRO on top of that. This was all new to me I had no idea what was going on I remember the judge looking at me and your stuff is being divided so quickly and taken and you can’t even think straight. After I realized what a mess Dorothy had made and then she just left me and finalized my divorce and my ex’s lawyer immediately wanted my large 401K divided and I had to hire a new lawyer to straighten out this mess. My ex was going after my money prior to marriage because his lawyer was lying about out date of marriage and Dorothy refused to correct it