Made an appointment for 2PM today. Their tech "Jason" calls at 11AM to tell me he's right down the street, wants to know if he can come then. I say "No, we made the appointment at 2PM because that's what worked best for us, please come then". No one was home at my house anyway.
So then the tech says (get this): "Well, I've got 3 hours of downtime between now and then, during which time I'm going out to O'Fallon. Since it's so far I won't be able to get back down there today."
Now, having worked similar jobs myself I know how it is having some downtime to kill... you kill it, and then you DRIVE TO YOUR APPOINTMENT.. EVEN IF IT'S A BIT OF A DRIVE.
What a cop out.. it really amazes me that there are poeple out there who think this is an acceptable response.
I DO NOT recommend John Beal unless you are looking for half-ass, lazy copouts.