The Service: Poor
Price: Exorbitant
Quality: Substandard
Competence: None that was obvious from my office visit
Fun Factor: Non-existant
Usefullness: A very cursory review of my symptoms resulted in a poor, incorrect diagnosis. A 2nd opinion from a qualified physician was that Mr. Bortniker's recommnedation for immediate surgery was not recommended or necessary. This proved to be accurate. I was told I needed a gland removed. Mr. Bortniker performed no tests to indicate that it was not working properly but insisted that surgery was the only option. He failed to inform me what he was doing at any particular time during my office visit, at one point uncomfortably shoving a tube through my sinus cavity without any warning of what he was going to do. His lack of bedside manner and professionalism was inexcusable. Follow-up tests from another physician indicated the gland was working fine with no associated disease and the original symptom went away by itself.