Good: The instructors- primarily. They utilize a core staff of people who continuously blow my mind with their knowledge of child development, martial arts, and people skills. They also do some really neat things- and the kids get to do them, too! Our whole family does it, and they seem to know what a good workout is for me, and my seven year old.. Bad: We love it- but if you were looking for a JUST KIDS environment, or you weren't interested in having an instructor talk about Good Habits or Good Manners with you (my husband and I think it's worthwhile to have each other reminded in class), it might not be for you. The instructors say the focus is on Character Development- and they're right.. Improvements: A bigger classroom floor would be a plus, and a second bathroom. There isn't a line, but when one class is coming in and the other is leaving, it can get tight.. Other: We couldn't be happier- we've decided to train at the school all the way to Black Belt, and are dedicated as a family. Everyone at the school seems to have the same kinds of ideals and family structures- it's a great community for our kids and ourselves. Give it a try if you're looking for a sport, or a family activity, or even something just for you! I can't say enough good stuff. OH! And it's called MILE HIGH KARATE now..