I work in customer service, and consider myself a very middle of the road sort of person. Not esally offended, nor discuraged. The moment I steped in the shop, he greeted me and asked me what I needed. I told him I was looking to get a rifle shipped to his store from cheaperthendirt.com, and he told me that he was registered and could do that. That, however, was the end of the conversation as far as he was concearned. He didn't seemt to want to explain to me if there was any proccess to go about the transfer, what his prices were or anything else for that matter. From the sales slip that cheaperthendirt.com gave me for my order, it was explained that I or the FFL holder needed to sign all of the FFL information on the order form and then fax it to the website. However, he refused to give me his information, and I can understand that as a security concearn. However, he was exceptioanly rude about it. I explained that on the page I handed him, the website explained that this part of the form was to be compleated by either himself or myself, and all he did was take it from me, say "okay" and set it aside. He then went back to doing whatever he was doing. Highly unimpressed with the customer service here. After my rifle comes in I will never use it again, and HIGHLY recommend you stay away from the store.