Good: Big Vanilla has the potential to be an amazing gym, FOR ALL!! Unfortunately, Big Vanilla willingly discriminates against individuals whom only utilize the free weight room. Multiple complaints have been submitted to the current managment (prior management as well) regarding the safety and condition of the dumbells and smiths machines. Their answer to our complaints, buy flat screen televisions, used strictly for advertising, and put them in every nook and cranny.. Bad: Now on to things i dont like. Big Vanilla has recently roped off areas of the gym, recently were open to all, only to be used by individuals who pay to be trained. TO ALL THOSE THAT PAY FOR THIS SERVICE: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU NO LONGER NEED A PERSONAL TRAINER AND STOP PAYING FOR THEIR SERVICES. WILL YOU STILL BE ALLOWED TO USE THE SAME EQUIPMENT?. Improvements: We would like to see Big Vanilla: Invest in their free weight room. Stop trying to push out individuals who have a passion for fitness. DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 14 TO ENTER INTO THE LOCKER ROOM UNATTENDED. Stop promoting Big Vanilla as a 'Disney World' style gym and start focusing on the health and safety of ALL.. Other: It is obvious Big Vanilla wants to push out all clients that only use free weights and eventually get rid of the entire free weight room. @$#& That. Lets make that room into an old school hardcore gym. All it takes is a few of us to change the atmosphere. Intimidate the Masses!!!.