One night when I was on my way home from work, I saw a cat on the side of the road. She'd been hit by a car but was still alive. I put her in the back of my wagon and took her to Mt. Airy--the hospital closest to my house. They admitted her without question and patiently answered all my questions when I called for updates over the next few days. Unfortunatley, the little cat (they named her Gemma and tried to post and find her owner) had to have one leg amputated, but she did survive the accident. When nobody came forward to claim her, I decided to adopt her. They didn't charge me for any of the medical expenses she incurred during her 3-week stay. The staff saved our little Gemma's life, and I will always be grateful for that (ps: she's thriving after 6 months with us and she jets around the house as if she never had a problem).