I'd like to express my deepest appreciation for the work which you and your staff have done in getting our property back online, and producing income. Tanya, Mike, Micah, Sharon, and others I am sure, have gone above and beyond what is expected in a normal business relationship. In reviewing our results with you, the most impressive thing is that in nearly five years of association, our property has not produced income for a grand total of 17 days! This incredible track record is certainly a monument to your marketing skills, but just as important is the support team which you have assembled. Your ability to inspect, perform minor repairs at a reasonable cost, and turn a house around quickly is unparalleled in my experience both as a renter and a property owner. I would challenge any property management agency in a similar market to accomplish what you and the team have done. In terms of recommendation, (and any reader should know that this is unsolicited), I would assert that your company is the best in the business for the high end market in Central Texas. Please feel free to use me as both a professional and personal reference for anyone needing to know more about you. On a personal note, leaving your home to a management company 1500 miles away is always a tough thing. You guys have treated both the property and us with tender loving care. We appreciate it. Further, we look forward to a long and mutually profitable future together.