Worst Dr. Ever.
Ive been seeing Dr Baraka for a few years now only because he is close by - i only ever went to him if it was "Urgent"- He didnt listen to anything I say, Has misdiagnosed me several times, gives me pills i dont need, didnt wash his hands after he was in another patients room (u can hear thru the walls- he had foot fungus)- gives half ass exams and charges your insurance company the full amount-He is very quick to diagnose, give you a poor script and get you out of his office. Try spelling my name right too if you would!
My last visit, He chastized me for calling a specialist and then REFUSED to give me a referral to see him.
He is arrogant and has no respect for peoples time- wait, wait wait-- last week -After he perscribed me an antibiotic that I was resitant too, I ended up taking myself to the ER because of the pain and worsening infection- The Dr at the Hosp gave me 3 scripts - one to clear the infection and 2 for pain. WHY did it take me having to go to the ER to get some relief??? Why didnt he perscribe the right stuff- Hes an A$$!- i give him zero stars