After years of going to one of the bigger pet hospitals in Pacifica I was very pleased to find Dr Jeremy Grossbard at Allcare. Dr. Jeremy (as we call him) entered the room and rather than staring at our file he sat on the floor and our very skittish kitty climbed into his lap as he spoke with us. Immediately we knew this was going to be our new Vet. We later brought in our old dog with many health issues. He is kind and gently with the animals and is a great listener and communicator with us. Unlike our experience with some of the bigger pet hospitals he didn't guilt us into doing many expensive tests, X- rays and procedures; rather he gave us several options for treatment and let us choose what was best for our animals.
Prices are more than reasonable, quality care without guilt and open on weekends. Another bonus - he encouraged us to give him the opportunity to match the prices of meds and flea drops we get online.