Good: I liked absolutely NOTHING about McGee Pre-Owned! Absolutely NOTHING!. Bad: I disliked absolutely EVERYTHING about McGee Pre-Owned! Absolutely EVERYTHING!. Improvements: They need to improve their morals first of all. These guys have no conscience what so ever and obviously do not believe in karma!!! I think they all need to improve on their lack of ability to be a DECENT human being!!!. Other: These guys are the biggest crooks and are posting their own "good" reviews on here, trust me! I got completely taken advantage of and there are a lot more just like me. They are completely unprofessional, ignorant and rude. They are NOT out to get you a deal by any means. There is no "Nick". It's just a bunch of leeches working together to screw you over. I will continue to post every week so that people can be warned before they waste their time and money. I wish someone had warned me! They cost me $5,000.