I meant to write this about 1 1/2 months ago, but kept forgetting! I had been to La Novita before, but only sporadically - I'm just one of those girls that will get a dye job and then keep putting off making another appointment. I had been having a really crappy few months and decided that I needed a change, so on a lark, I called La Novita and was able to book an appointment that afternoon to get my hair done. And Oh. My. God. I couldn't have been happier! I walked in a with mousy brown hair at the roots (and by roots I mean half way down my scalp) and reddish-blonde down to the tips. It was long, thick, and had no shape. I walked out of there with a GORGEOUS new color - warm dark brown with red undertones and an AMAZING new hair cut!! I was lucky enough to have the owner do my hair (her name begins with an "A" - and I'm completely blanking on the rest... but please know that you were FABULOUS) - and she really knew what she was doing.