I always take the time to complain to you or ask for something from you.
Today I write to compliment the excellent service we received from the
man behind the wheel of the plow at our Curtis location. As I pulled in
at 7 AM he was dropping salt on our pretty wide open parking lot out
front. Denise and I have two company cars that had not been moved since
the snow fell and thus were piled up with snow and plowed in to some
extent. I jumped out of my car and asked the driver 'if I move the cars
could he plow behind me'?
Not only did he readily agree to it but he got out of his truck and
helped me clear the windshield of the first car. After clearing that
space I had the second one ready for him and he quickly cleared that as
well. As I scraped away at some windshield ice he pulled over and asked
if there was anything else he could do. I only wish all of own
technicians would be so willing to assist and in such a friendly manner.
We try to teach them to be that way but the right attitude has to be
there to work with.
This is a little thing but it was too good to go without acknowledgment.
Denise and I both will appreciate it the next time we take those two
cars out on the road. Please pass on my thanks for this excellent