It took three days of back and forth faxing and emailing a contract and C.C. authorization form so that the salesperson could actually complete my order. I was told I would be called within 2-3 weeks (possibly sooner), but after a MONTH with no windows, I called them. I was informed that the salesperson no longer worked there, and it was "my responsibility" to come pick up my windows. When I got there to pick up the widows, I discovered that they were not fabricated to my specifications. Plus... When I picked up the window, there was a fresh application of acrylic sealant that got on my hands and ruined my clothing.
I had to ask for an apology, and the staff seemed oblivious to the inconvenience. I called the owner/manger, Judy Gates, and she was just as dim as her employees.
I would not recommend this company to anyone due to their lack of professionalism, their inability to deliver what was ordered, and their negligence in customer relations.