I've gone to this dinner/show twice in the pass few years and i am always content when leaving, Not sure if its because of the cash liquor bar though ..lol
But never the less i have always had a great time.
I recommend to show up 1 hour 1/2 before the show starts so you can watch the preview show and hit all the appetizer bars ( approximately 6- 8 of them) but we were a bit late so didnt get a chance to hit even one!.. Ohhh and dont forget the liquor bar!.
Also join their pirate club a few days before you order the tickets so you can get some great discounts.
The food is good, The service is great, The show is entertaining.
Its a nice change to your ohhhh so regular dinner out.
The only wondering question i still have is when i ordered the tickets over the phone, The girl who helped me said there was a additional $4.00 tip charge per ticket ,Thinking this was how the waiters and such gathered their tip money i had no problem with it, but at the end of the meal you are given a little card that encourages you to tip again!.. $5.00....what???.
I felt it was worth paying a extra $10.00 a person to sit within the first 3 rows of the show but probably because i wasnt asked to hold my pirates flag.
P.S It may confuse you at the end of the show when everyone starts singing the YMCA song.. Cause i dont get the connection to that and pirates either but i just figured it was a bonus round for all the drunk people who seemed to really enjoy it!..lol
Either way, Its fun.
So go have a great time!