She doesn't get the connection between mind/body interactions and lacks enough experience to treat grown-ups. Shoots from the hip and makes "pop doc" decisions. She is perfectly detached as taught in med school. Only interested in "trendy" reality-based-TV-doctor-show-biz-sound-bite treatment instead of being a real doctor who gets involved with real patients and listens to them to find out how she can help. Kept comparing me (bad patient?) to her other patients (good patients?) then got up and left the room and left me sitting there by myself on the examining table after saying she is not a psychiatrist. Never asked once if I felt sick or if I had concerns about anything in particular but consistently advised me to join a health club (her one other fat patient has) even though I have lost my job and told her I can't afford that, without learning that I have a broken foot, a really bad sinus infection, a new growth on my lip, a new and troubling skin condition, etc. Join a gym? No interest? No referrals? No. Felt as if I should be able to get my co-pay back! Wasted valuable time and money for the past year when I could have been getting help from real doctors. If you're really sick, old, or fat, find another MD. She only wants to see you if you are not ill with a genetic disease, and are thin enough. One must be able to follow every hair-brained bit of advice she gives you (since all her other patients can do whatever it is that you can't do for valid reasons). Otherwise, she blows you off and let's you know through her rudeness that she doesn't want you to come back. Since she thinks all patients are alike, she wants to treat them all alike no matter what the patient needs. BTW, after he complained to her, she told my husband the new drug she prescribed for him isn't making his hair fall out even though, as stated by the manufacturer, the side-effects of that drug can make one's hair fall out. See? She knows everything and patients know nothing.