The paint on my 2004 Odyssey started peeling off the hood in August 2009. When I called Hoehn Honda, I was told the warranty was extended due to an adhesion issue. I brought my van in and they paid to have the hood, roof and window edges re-painted; I got the van back in a week. Two weeks ago I noticed a small patch of paint peeling of the back hatch; within a week, it had become a huge area. Mario in service asked me to come in so the Honda rep could take a look at it because the warranty didn't cover that part of the van. When I arrived, the rep wasn't there, so Andy took a picture so I wouldn't have to come back. Mario called the next day to say that Honda was offering me a goodwill warranty extension to cover the back hatch. I got my newly-painted van back within 3 days... and they even put on a new H logo (mine disappeared years ago) and detailed the inside. I am hugely impressed!?