I took my pomeranian there and we discussed that i wanted him trimmed pretty well but to NOT shave him. I strictly told her not to. I tok him up there at 7am and when I showed up at clossing at 6, he was no where near done. She had shaved him and I was mortified! The hair that she left was uneven and she didn't even brush the mats out. It was also very obvious that he had not been bathed and that is part of the deal!! She just lets them run around the store all together and does not keep them in seperated in cages. When i walked in, it smelled very strongly of cat urine and i noticed that she keeps a cat loose in there. Over all, it was a terrible experience and I would not reccomend taking your animal there. She obviously does not know what she is doing. I have heard MANY complaints about them, but i was willing to try it out anyways. I will never do that again!