Good: The retail store has an Awsome selection of Computer gear and Accessories. Bad: The Service Center SUCKS BIG TIME,I recently took My Gaming Machine there for Diagnostics I was 2 busy with other things in My life at the time to do it My self. Anyway I paid 70.00 USD to have a Tech repot that goes like this Poss MOBO, i powerd SYS and I got Pretty lights THE BAD KIND?
WTH? is that?
Well i got the time in the next week to get 2 my SYStem and found SHORTED led display on the tower Bad MOBO and a Bad POWER SUPPLY Now I would really like to know What I paid 70.00 DOLLARS for ?
Thier Diag. Improvements: Iwould like to C real Dianostics Done for the Customer.