I bought several firearms from the owner Mr.Ketchum each time I go in with the hope that he'll be in a better mood because I'm a regular now. However each time it's wishfull thinking, nothing makes this guy happy. I had a gun shipped to his store and got a confirmation from UPS, I went to his shop to pick up my package and he told me that he didn't receive any package for me. I told him that according to UPS online statement it says that R.Ketchum signed for the package, he replied that's me, but I didn't receive any packages for you. I just stood there dumbfounded, after several minutes of arguing with him and trying to recall the company name that sent it he finally went back to check again on the package, which was there and also had my name written on it.
It's very upsetting but Mr.Ketchum is extremly rude and unapreciative even of regular customers.