I sent my 2 yr. old son here for 2 days only. On the 2nd day I pick up my son at 5:30pm and he was wearing the same Huggies diaper I dropped him off in at 7:30am, (I bought LUVS for Woodland and Huggies for home). I told Ms. Sandaval(school administrator)the situation and brought her the diaper and the name and phone number of a customer service rep from Huggies. ( I called Huggies and they told the serial numbers on the inside of the straps are in sequential order in my package at home, so there was no way of any other pkg. of diapers to have the same line # in there bag). Ms Sandaval believed me and we had checked the teachers daily records of what she had done with my son. the teacher Fraudulently documented that she had changed my son at 11:30am and 3:30pm. Bottom line the school did not fire the teacher because they said that the Child Welfare said it not neglect to leave a child in a diaper for 10 hours. and the documented fraud was for their school records. So they kept this horrible teacher. after she negleted my son and lied about it on company documents