Good: 1) The ONLY mover I contacted who answered the phone at 8:30 a.m. 2) A real human (who spoke English) answered calls before the 2nd ring. No annoying "I'll call you when I get around to it" voice mail. 3) For each meeting at moving site (a relative's house 40 miles from our home) Cascade's owner arrived EARLY. 4)
Move team arrived at time requested (10AM). No time wasted dilly-dallying, BS-ing. Efficient pack, load, transport, unload = final cost BELOW bid. 5) All furniture, dishes, etc. arrived just fine. Other: It was refreshing doing business with 30+ yrs moving business owner Eric Stephens. He understands the keys to surviving in such a competitive market are to be professional, polite, on time, friendly and helpful at every point in the process and most importantly for his move teams to deliver excellent results. In other words MAKE CUSTOMERS HAPPY. Note: Today is Super Bowl Sunday. I didn’t have to write any of this, but I wanted to. Cascade Moving and Storage most definitely earned these favorable comments.