When I moved out here 4 years ago, I got a fix-it ticket because I could not properly display my front license plate. I moved from a state that did not require front plates, and my front bumper did not accommodate my new CA plate. I explained my situation and Ron helped me to jury-rig the plate with apoxy, where it stayed put for several years without issue. Not only did Ron not charge me anything for his ingenuity and labor, but he also saved me the expense of replacing my entire front bumper.
A few months ago the plate finally started to come loose, and I visited Ron again today. As before, he applied the apoxy for me, helped me with a minor issue with my glovebox and sent me on my way... and it took no more than 10 minutes.
I'm sorry, but this is stellar customer service no matter how you slice it. While they have never done any diagnostic or major parts repair for me, I can say that I have been impressed on multiple occasions with their willingness to be of assistance, and neither time has their effort been financially motivated.
They have gone above and beyond for me, and if I do require some more serious work then I will certainly entrust them with the job.