Arrrrr ye matey! I just went to the pirate show with some family from out of town and we had a blast! I have been before and it is what it is, but it's fun! You can't be a Debbie Downer when you take people to see the show! You HAVE to partake and cheer-I think I lost my voice! The tickets weren't bad. We paid $270 for 8 adults and 2 children (I found a discount in the local clipper magazine). We were offered VIP and didn't take it but the server still asked us if we wanted to be in the show. If you've read the other reviews you know you have to get there early for appetizers etc. My one piece of advice is if there are any kids or non beer drinkers in the group, still turn the mug over so you get their beer! Just get them a soda in the lobby and use that cup for their soda cup, that's more grog for you..I'm just sayin! :) Have fun, cheer, and sing along!! What do you do with a drunken sailor...Hell, make a fool outta yourself! Those people will never see you again!