You hear about this crap on T.V but I never thought there were crooks like this out there! So I took my car to get my air conditioning fix...of course they tried to sell me every service under the sun but the only service I would agree to was putting a dye through the system to see it there was a leak. I agreed to the extra 100 dollar service along with a recharge and all was fine for about a day. The next air! I took it back with my receipt and low and behold now they say I have a leak and I need to pay over 700 dollars!! I told them I already paid to have them check for leaks won't believe the next sentence....THEY ILLEGALLY CHANGED My RECEIPT!!!! They changed the original receipt to say that I bought some other service! I had to call 311 to report them and they said they would put a complaint in and do an investigation through the state...little do the crooks know...I made a copy of my original receipt...what scum bags!