Just thought I would pop in and answer Tom B. Why did I get singled out? It's been so long since I reviewed I can't even remember my password.
No, I do not work for Direct Buy, nope I never did. I wrote a detailed review and at the time was very happy.
Membership was only $3,000.00 at the time and I think we did save more than that. Basset was a participating vendor at the time and we utilized that. You could also get electronics, carpet, wood floors, washing machines etc and all were actually discounted quite a bit. It was a great deal if you had a lot of things to purchase. Not a good deal if you just needed to get a few things here and there.
We are no longer members and if I could join again at the price we paid with the pressure to join I may not. Probably would not, especially in this economy. I would rather support local retailers higher price or not. I'm also a little older and wiser now and wouldn't easily succomb to the very high pressured sales pitch.
I got sucked in.
Without going in and actually seeing what you can do or get though it really isn't fair to rate one star based on a catalog. Also, bartering in a store, really? I didn't know you could do that other than buying a car. I've always assumed that is why there are "sale" signs.
Direct Buy is okay depending on your needs and budget. Things sound like they have changed and the membership really went up. That's a bummer. Good concept. Bad execution.