I tried to purchase a little over $100 worth of merchandise in your store today. The system to scan checks and debit cards was down. The only way to purchase anything today at your store was by credit card or cash. As I did not have enough cash on me and do not have credit cards my $120 worth of merchandise stayed at your store. As well as the Nike tennis shoes and other items the gentleman in front of me left behind because his debit card would not work. I live 45 minutes from this store and one of my main reasons for the drive to Port Huron today was to purchase a golf bag for my son who is on our high school golf team. My husband and I are also avid golfers. My son plays hockey, baseball and football so we purchase a lot of athtletic gear in a years time. I will no longer be purchasing anything from your store. I don't need to waste my time picking out items only to find I cannot purchase them because you do not have a back up plan in place. I am well aware of system failures, but the real failure here was the lack of a backup plan. There were at least 10 people behind me, I wonder how many of those 10 people left their purchases behind because of the failure?
Karole Mezo
140 Gates Rd
Sandusky, MI 48471