My whole family (5 of us) and extended family and friends (probably another 7 people)have been using Mike & Stefan at C&D Automotive for over 20 years. YOu will not find a more honest , reliable shop ANYWHERE. I almost don't like referring him because i'm araid they'll get too busy , and turn around time would be longer, but it's not. Always quick and never , ever, have i had to bring my car back for the same problem. Many times (and i work in a heating industry where i deal with service techs and vehicles) you bring your car in for a problem, they "fix it" and it works for a day or not at all, and you bring it back and they say, "oh, you also need a blah blah blah" .You just get the feeling they have no idea what needs to be fixed and they're just changing 3 parts. (And believe me, i've had service techs at the heating company who just aren't that experienced that would do that, and i would literally give the customers money back because i knew my guy must have been unsure of the diagnose) But this has never happened. They 've always hit it on the button. I don't know how they're prices compare, but even if it were slightly higher, the amount of time and money I save with the first and correct diagnose is worth it.
One other time i brought my manual transmission jeep in and it was slipping out of reverse. He rode with me and said, "yes, it seems like it may be a transmission and they're not cheap. These jeeps have Peugot transmissions, and they're expensive" So , as i was leaving i mentioned my brother said to check because i had this little coin holder right by the gear shift and my brother thought maybe one slipped down there. He said, "tell your brother, thaks mr. mechanic, but we'll check it out!" He ends up calling me a coupld hours later to tell me that "your brother was right, you had coins stuck in it" I still had to pay the $300 worth of time it took them to get to it, but it saved me an expensive transmission job. It drove fine the rest of the time i had the car. Very honest!!!
They're the best.