Bad: Appliance Center is the grinch that stole Christmas from my grandchildren. My son-in-law is a painter that is out of work and has been for over a year. An emplyee of Appliance Center approached him about painting the new 5 million dollar addition to the store and to get it done by a grand opening deadline. My son-in-law and his brother, who also has been out of work for a year, agreed to do the job. They worked day and night to get it done. When the job was done the man in charge wouldn't pay the agreed amt. Improvements: My son-in-law get paid the rest of the money he has coming for his work so he can put food on the table and still be able to give my grandchildren a Christmas.. Other: My daughter and son-in-law have 3 kids as does his brother. Appliance Center runs 2 or 3 full page ads everyday in the paper and brags about his new million dollar addition and his low prices. The lowest things are his ethics. He should be ashamed of cheating people out of their money so he can have more more more..