How do you feel when you walk into a conference and are greeted with grudging non smiling persons? May I call it a "diswelcome."
Within 30 secs WE KNEW....(we are the objects of "their" sales pitching today). Well after a long drive we thought we'll stick it out and give these people the benefit of the doubt. See the thing is we are trying to decide WHERE and from whom we want to spend this year's budget. We are not big big spenders but we do spend a large amount each year for our equip.
We decided to go to all 3 sessions for a small total of $15. But a half hour in and I began to think I should have been paid to come. Although I'll admit the beginner first session was certainly the best. Tsadly went downhill afterwards.
Coffee? Tea? Forget it. Canon's cutting their budget. The billions they make ...or how about Oregon Pro think they might offer some water or coffee... Oh no folks they just aren't making enough profit off of their clients to offer such delicacies. And don't forget about the table people a scary group in the best words. What ever happened to customer service? Maybe reps from India just aren't so bad after all.