I am writing to you, as a patient of Livingston Foot Care Specialists on Newbridge Road, North Bellmore, NY.
The care and concern of the entire staff is outstanding and courteous to all that they came in contact with each day. They are all so helpful and friendly to everyone. Even those who take the phone calls are so pleasant and very helpful in any way that they can.
Recently I started the MicroVas therapy for non diabetic peripheral neuropathy. I can not believe the changes in my feet and legs. With the severe pain in my legs and feet I could hardly walk around. My right leg was the one that was the worst. With the pain, pins and needles and burning sensation of my feet. I was willing to try anything. I have been to many doctors in the past and still there was no relief. The MicroVas therapy has been a blessing in my life. Now I am able to do more walking outside and inside. I am able to walk without pain and discomfort which to me is surely a miracle in my life.
The doctors are extremely conservative and willing to answer all of your questions and put your mind at ease.
At this office you are treated like a human being and an individual. The quality of care is unique and excellent.
I would like to thank Dr. Leon Livingston, Dr. Douglas Livingston, Dr. Joel Kelly and Dr. Joseph Alencherry for giving me my “happy feet”.
I am most grateful to everyone for all their help, care and understanding.