I had called the office before I scheduled a flu shot for each of my children and was told it would cost $15. My insurance covers up to $25 per child. I was billed $47 for each child's flu shot because there is a fee for someone to "administer" the shot which I was NOT informed of. I called the office and was told I did not phrase the question correctly when asking the price of the flu shots!? Hmmm... Now all of my children's vaccination coverage for the year has been used up and I still ended up having to pay an additional $15 per shot. I should've just gone to a health clinic and billed my insurance company myself. My family and I feel this is a very "slimy" way to do business. What person is going to pay nearly twice for a flu shot than they would anywhere else? I believe that is the reason I was not told about a $32 administration fee on top of the $15 for the flu vaccination itself.