This was the perfect spa experience.
A few weeks ago I was researching web sites to find a spa to take my best friend to as a surprise for her 65th birthday. Since I live in Arkansas, I had to do it on the web. Well, as you can see, aafusion's web site is beautiful. I called for information and spoke with Katie. When I told her that I was driving to MN to surprise my friend for her birthday, she said "let us take care of everything", I booked the appointments and asked if she needed my credit card and she said "no, you can pay after the services, we are just happy you are coming to see us". Well, when we arrived at the address in a strip mall, I was a bit apprehensive...but the minute we walked through the door I knew that I had made the right choice. The spa is elegant while being welcoming. The staff was friendly, interested in our experience and made us very comfortable. Since we were there on a Monday, they even called in two special stylists on their days off, to do our manicures, pedicures and hair. Our massages were exceptional (thank you Karen) and the facials the best (thank you Katie). The whole experience was equal to our experience of a few years ago at the Grand Wailea Spa on Maui.
Between services we were served stemmed glasses of ice water, cheese and crackers and chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate dipped pretzel sticks. A nice touch.
Our services were scheduled so that we could spend time together to catch up (I was only able to be in MN for two days).
Best of all, the staff made my friend's birthday as special as she is.
I was still reveling in the exceptional experience when my husband and I drove back to Arkansas the next day, and I am looking forward to my next trip to MN so that I can return to this beautiful place and try the hydrotherapy soak!
Pros: Elegant, inviting atmosphere; friendly, professional staff
Cons: none