First off this company isn't actually located in WI, it's located in KY. It's website states all of these Lighting and Sound packages for your event, HOWEVER the company doesn't provide a single piece of equipment or music. I am a Pro DJ for over 10yrs and thought of working for this company. All the DJ's are sub-contracted they don't actually have DJ's or Videographers of their own that work your event. They con you into paying upfront misleading you and u wait months if not longer to hear from a ""DJ""/""Vidographer"", because ASGS sends out emails to their mail-list of DJs like almost 1 1/2 weeks before the actual event. So responding to poorly organized info in the email the DJ needing work responds to the available job(s). He may do great work odds are he won't. The DJ is responsible for ALL the equipment promised to you in the package you order! Even if you get everything you wanted, the DJ in often times paid not even half the clents' fee, paid late, OR NOT PAID AT ALL! The DJ/Videographers do all the work have all the equipment, ASGS just sits back and takes your money!